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Porto visto por Jerzy Stepniak

Porto visto por Jerzy Stepniak


JERZY Stepniak nasceu em Varsóvia onde sempre ali viveu. Estudou arquitetura na cidade natal, dedicando-se atualmente à pintura. Diz que gosta de pintar as ruas de Varsóvia, mas que não sabe em concreto qual a rua que retrata. O resultado acaba por ser uma rua imaginária. Sobre Portugal, confessa que nunca cá esteve. Assume-se como pouco viajado. Quando pensa na cidade do Porto visualiza um porto à beira-mar.

Por Paulo Moreira Lopes

1 – Date and place of birth (city and country)?

I was born in Warsaw in 1950.

2 –  Up to the present day in which cities you lived permanently?

I am living still in Warsaw.

3 – Academic qualifications?

I was studying architecture in Warsaw.

4 – Professional activity?

I am a painter.

5 – The place where you born and live influenced your artistic life? If so, why?

I paint the streets of Warsaw. I don’t know which one of the streets I paint is the one I like more than the others. I drew a street from my mind. It is my and only my street.

6 – When you think in Porto (Portugal) remember immediately what?

When I think in Porto I see the port by the sea of water, not wine.

7 – Have you ever visited Porto? If so, why and what do you think of the city?

I am not a traveller. I never was in Porto and in Portugal.

8 – Your address in the web/blogosphere to follow you?

I haven’t website.


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My street by Jerzy Stepniak for I Convocatória Arte Postal Correio do Porto: A minha rua.



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